Beyond Climate Change 101

Discovering a Life of Purpose Along the Way

by Julie Hall at ProgressiveKid

As with all meaningful change, there is no simple fix for our climate change crisis. There is no pill, band aid, 12-step formula, or “expert’s” advice to heal Earth or its life forms. There is no “clean” nuclear power that will preserve our current luxuries without risking even more environmental disaster, no green product that will redeem generations of overconsumption, no fluorescent light bulb that will reverse the excess of our industrialized systems, no recycling process that can restore forests, no zoo or seed bank that can preserve our world’s biodiversity, no replacement planet we can relocate to. For worse and for better we are stuck here with our mess and our weakness, our solutions and our strength. Continue reading

Underinsured Is Unsustainable

by Julie at ProgressiveKid

Underinsured is an oxymoron. If you’re insured, you’re insured—right? Wrong. As legions of us know all too well, paying high insurance premiums faithfully for years guarantees nothing but regular dings to your bank account and possibly little to nothing in return. Given that many of us have numerous insurance premiums, the dings can feel more like brutal gut kicks. Continue reading